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Everyone uses computers, whether it may be a laptop, smartphone or smart TV. Computer science takes a deep look into computer technology, analyzing hardware and software! Explore this section for explanations of computer theory, hardware and software development, computing and more. Planning to create an app, interested in how computers work, or designing algorithms, we’re here to help!
The world runs on data, and that’s why databases exist! Database systems allow easy and sorted access to huge amounts of data, one reason why it’s so important. Explore this section for explanations of data models, description languages, security, and more. Whether you’re creating your own database, fixing security issues, learning SQL, or more, we’ve got your back!
Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Excel are the building blocks of many people’s computers experience. Everyone learns the fundamentals on how to use them, right? Explore this section for a dive into how each program works, whether it may be calculating functions with Excel, creating a presentation in PowerPoint, or more. Building software skills, working on a project, or designing a pamphlet, we’ve got you covered!
Coding is becoming an increasingly important part of the world, slowly becoming a common subject to learn. Starting with the notion of an algorithm, programming slowly evolves into a giant, very complex creation. Explore this section for explanations of environments, data types, keywords, loops and more. Whether you’re coding a game, a website, or another program, we’re here to help!
Python, JavaScript, Java, C# and C are just a few examples of the hundreds of different coding languages. Each one is specially designed for a use, whether it’s for websites, games, or machine learning! Explore this section for a look into the difference between HTML and Java, how to choose which language to use, and more. Coding an operating system, a file system, or a database, we’ve got your back!
Website development is important, although without any visuals, what is the point? Web designing allows you to create the interaction design for a website, the in-front of the scenes part of websites! Explore this section for help coding animations, creating UXs, and matching typographies. If you’re creating color matches, layout designs or more, we’ve got you covered!
Websites are incredibly complex, with inputs, outputs, online and offline connections, connected databases, and so much more. Even with that much work, there’s over 1.2 billion websites available across the globe! Explore this section for useful information on coding and programming, creating complex applications, and more. Whether you’re building a search engine, blog, shopping site or video platform, we’re here to help!